Table Ball Tournament
May 1, 2024
Table Ball Tournament Rules
Single Elimination Tournament (One Loss and you're out)
No arguing with tournament supervisors.
Rock, Paper, Scissors to decide who Serves first - Serve by ROLLING the ball across the other EDGE/SERVING LINE of table. (Serve must make it across the opposite edge of table.)
Make sure opponent is ready for serve!
Ball must bounce 1x before STRIKING the ball so it lands back on top of table.
If ball bounces 2x on ground the other person gets 1 point.
If ball DOES NOT touch table on volley, or hits side/edge and drops to floor the other person gets 1 point. *The ball can bounce/roll on table as many times as possible as long as hits the floor after*
Play up to 5 points, Rally Scoring (somebody scores every serve), whoever wins the point serves. First to 5 points wins. (7 minute time limit each game, will be enforced by Mr. Craig
Use 1 or 2 Hand(s) to Volley --
YOU ARE STRIKING, NOT THROWING THE BALL to VOLLEY IT. Throwing results in point for oopponent.
Can only strike the ball 1 time (not multiple times) to get back on table to opponent.
Over aggressive serve = a reserve. (Must be called on serve, not after serve returned.
Examples of rules below
Point awarded for double bounce:
Overaggresive serve = reserve:
Point awarded due to missing service line:
Point awarded due to throwing:
Point awarded due to double strike:
Point awarded due to edge table hit (unplayable ball):